How Alfred Supercharges my MacBook Productivity
Cmd + Space — My most used key combination when using my MacBook Pro.
You must be wondering, “I thought Apple’s Spotlight Search was useless. Why do you use it so much then?”
Actually, I replaced Apple’s Spotlight Search with Alfred.
Alfred is the biggest free productivity tool you can download! It’s insanely powerful! It literally transformed the way I have been using my MacBook for the last 2–3 years.
In this post, I will go through some powerful things Alfred lets me do. You can also pay for Alfred to use something called PowerPacks which can supercharge this already magnificent productivity tool.
However, in this post I will talk only about the FREE features because I don’t pay for Alfred, yet.
Alfred — A Better Alternative to Spotlight
Alfred is superior to Apple’s native Spotlight Search. There is no questioning that. Period.
It can do what Spotlight does better than Spotlight. More importantly, it can do things that Spotlight cannot even fathom.
Everything Alfred does for you, you can do them without Alfred. However, the magical thing with Alfred is that it lets you do that thing in just one click or keystroke.