5 Things I Do In The Evening Instead of Watching Netflix

Read this if you want to spend your evenings in meaningful and productive ways, rather than doom scrolling and Netflix binging.

Irtiza Hafiz
5 min readDec 5, 2022


Photo by Sam Goodgame on Unsplash

If you are doing a 9–5, your evenings can be very exhausting.

I do a 9–5, and sometimes I do feel that exhausting catching up to me by the end of the day. Because of that, it’s very easy to spend our evenings on autopilot.

We put some Netflix on, get a drink maybe, and spend the rest of our evening consuming content passively. Even worse, sometimes, we just stay on our phones and become a victim of the famous infinite scroll.

With apps like Instagram (Reels) and TikTok, it’s becoming easier and easier to spend our time passively. We lose track of time while we keep on scrolling forever.

That’s why many of our evenings become nothing but a blur. Looking back, we can’t find anything meaningful that we did.

I realized that a couple of months ago. Since then, I have actively tried to plan out my evenings every weekday. A lot of times I don’t follow through, don’t get me wrong. Either work gets into my evenings, or I am just extremely exhausted and choose the more comfortable options.



Irtiza Hafiz

Engineering manager who writes about software development and productivity https://irtizahafiz.com